" Education is the passion for learning which leads us from darkness to light "

In order to provide Children / youngsters living in Vananchal with access to educational opportunities of a high standard. Target Number: 04 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG),  Education of a high standard is the only thing that can truly transform a society. By achieving this objective, we will provide a fresh facet of schooling to the communities that are classified as “tribal,” “Socioeconomically deprived group (SeDG),” and “Special Education Sone” (SEZ).

School Students

The only weapon to fight injustice is Education.

 The new education policy has as its primary goal the elimination of students’ memorization of information as a kind of education, with the intention of bringing about improvements in the learning process. to incorporate creative, critical, and analytical thinking alongside bookish information, skills relevant to life, culture, art, and other forms of technical education. In order to supplement the children’s academic development with practical experience in addition to traditional academic subjects.

 The primary focus of our efforts will be on enrolling these students in more advanced educational programmes.
" Live as though you were to pass on tomorrow, learn as though you were to live until the end of time."